
When our school first opened in 1989 as Macmillan College, central to the ethos of this new organisation was a close working relationship between education and business.

Through this relationship, students would eventually leave the school with a good understanding of the potential careers they could have and would also have the skills to be able to successfully enter the job market.

91porn原创视频 continues to support our students to make well informed decisions by providing access to impartial and blended CEIAG through the curriculum, enrichments and off site activities. It is a whole school vision to prepare students for the readiness of the working world and to forge links with parents, families and the local community. The academy provides all of our students with an excellent package of careers education that prepares them to achieve success in the next stage of their lives beyond our school. Beginning in Year 7 and going right through to the end of Year 13, our students access a wide range of guidance and support that ensures they are ready for the challenges of further study or the world of work.

The effectiveness of which, is reflected by our high number of students moving into sixth form, further education and apprenticeships.

We are indebted to all the businesses, organisations and colleges who give their time so generously to support our students.

91porn原创视频 Career Journey

Reviewing the Careers Programme
To establish the success of our careers programme, we review it by:
  • Regularly seeking the views of students, staff, parents and external agencies.
  • Analysing destination data for students who leave school at the end of Year 11 and Year 13.
  • Reflecting on career lessons and careers events that take place within school and Post 16.
The careers programme is reviewed on an annual basis and the next scheduled review will take place in September 2024.

Who to talk to if you have a question
Mrs Turner (Assistant Head of Post 16 Education and Head of Careers e.turner@macademy.org.uk) and Ms Cook (Careers Practitioner c.cook@macademy.org.uk) will both happily speak with any student or parent who would like further advice relating to future careers intentions, and how best our students can work towards achieving these. Mrs Turner and Ms Cook can be contacted on their emails above, by phoning (01642 800800) or in writing to 91porn原创视频, Stockton Road, Middlesbrough TS5 4AG.

Personal Tutors and Heads of Year play a vital role in supporting our students and they will also be able to support with many of the queries that our students may have and will be able to direct queries to the correct member of staff if this is necessary.

Useful Links

Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Charitable Foundation has set eight clear benchmarks for schools and colleges on good careers advice. The benchmarks are detailed below, please click on each benchmark to see the academy's provision.

Gatsby Benchment 1

click here

Gatsby Benchment 2

click here

Gatsby Benchment 3

click here

Gatsby Benchment 4

link here

Gatsby Benchment 5

link here

Gatsby Benchment 6

link here

Gatsby Benchment 7

link here

Gatsby Benchment 8

link here