
Online Safety - Message from Middlesbrough Family Hubs

Dear Parents/Carers

The online space can be a fun and interesting place for young people to learn and also enjoy their leisure time whether its gaming, watching YouTube videos or catching up with friends on social media.

As Parents/Carers helping your young person keep safe online whilst enjoying the activities they engage is equally as important as supporting them in respect to the risks of the offline world.

Act Early seeks to support friends and family to reach out for safeguarding support if their friend/loved one is at risk of radicalisation. Radicalisation is just one of several types of online risks which young people may be more susceptible.

Below are some Top Tips from Act Early to help keep your young person safe

  • Be vigilant and find out who they are connecting with online and on gaming platforms
  • Ask them who they are taking to online, how they met them and what information or posts they are sharing
  • Remind them that it could be anyone behind the screen and not the person whom they think
  • Let them know if they are approached or feel worried about someone who is connecting with them online, they can talk to you about it
  • Discuss and challenge fake news and information on social media to help them become more critical and less accepting about what they see on social media
  • Talk about the effect of expressing extreme views can have on themselves, their family and others and the consequences if they go too far down this route
  • Keep up to date with technology and understand how to use parental control settings.
Having suitable information and support can be vital when considering how to help a young person keep safe online for parents/carers therefore below is some useful information from Parentzone Local to help parents/carers with advice and support on subjects relating to online safety.

Guides - Everyday Digital Matters

PDF Guides

If you have a concern

If you have concerns and believe a young person or adult is at risk of radicalisation please contact your local authority safeguarding team, for Middlesbrough please telephone (01642) 726004 or alternatively please contact Cleveland police on 101.

You can also get more advice and guidance from the national advice line 0800 011 3764 Mon-Fri 9-5pm or the web site www.actearly.uk or alternatively from the gov.uk web page www.gov.uk/guidance/get-help-if-youre-worried-about-someone-being-radicalised