
The 91porn原创视频 SEND department is highly experienced. The department works primarily with High Needs students, those with an EHCP and those with additional special educational needs and/or a disability.

The department is well resourced with a Learning Support Base, a classroom, an office and a range of specialist staff.

The SEND team works closely alongside the Pathway provision staff who provide support for students at KS3 and 4 who require a personalised curriculum and the intervention team who run Seclusion and the Student Support Base and who support students experiencing personal and SEMH difficulties.

The SEND team provide a wide range of support for students including:
  • Extended transitions
  • Additional support with literacy intervention
  • Targeted 1:1 and small group maths tutoring
  • Academic mentoring
  • Homework club
  • A personalised curriculum
  • Study skills support
For more information on the SEND department please see the links below:
SEND Policy & Information Report
Accessibility Plan

Key Staff
Member of Staff Role
Mrs C Hodgson Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning and responsibility for SEND)
Mrs E Donaldson SENDCO and Designated Teacher for CLA
email: e.donaldson@macademy.org.uk
Miss C Harris Assistant SENDCO and Designated Teacher Support Officer for CLA
Miss S Lambert Literacy Coordinator
Mr D Taylor Learning Support Tutor

Learning Mentors based in the Learning Support Department
Member of Staff
Mrs S Pink
Miss H White
Miss V Clements
Mrs Y Haider
Mrs D Harston
Miss A Law
Miss L McGlade
Mrs J Collier
Mr A Newton

Learning Mentors based in the subject departments
Member of Staff Department
Mrs S Deveraux Modern Foreign Languages and geography
Mrs A Cane Mathematics
Miss B Whiting English
Mrs E Spencer Art, drama and music
Mrs D Kelly Religious studies and history

Pathway Provision Staff
Member of Staff Role
Mrs Laverick HLTA KS3 Pathway provision
Mrs Meynell HLTA KS4 Pathway Provision
Mr Wilson- Stonestreet Pathway Provision Lead

Student Intervention Team
Member of Staff Role
Mrs K Brown Intervention Team Lead
Miss D Stanwick Intervention Team
Mr A Hadfield Intervention Team
Mr A Weighell Intervention Team
Mrs S McIntyre Intervention Team
Miss C Richards Intervention Team